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SNES & N64 were actually relatively well supported by Western devs although Japanese games were generally more popular in the console scene. Games like Wolfenstein got SNES releases and a lot of FPS' made their way to N64 from the PC after Goldeneye showed the market was there.

As for Gamecube, with Microsoft comming onto the scene, porting from PC to X-box (and vice-versa) became incredibly easy and PS2s marketshare was just too huge to ignore. The limited space on the disks probably didn't help matters with games becomming increasingly large in size; 1.5 Gb just wasn't enough.

Now, Wii is a weird one. It actually has some decent 3rd-party support, just not in traditional genres and traditional games. The power issue obviously doesn't help, especially for developers comming from a PC background. The Wii offers very different experiences to the HD consoles and the software seems to reflect that.