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kurasakiichimaru said:

Well the hype for both games is huge but I see what you mean there, Uncharted 3 probably would get a rise with sales due to critical acclaim of previous titles, however we have to consider piracy in the PS3 now. I can see Gears of War 3 doing less spectacular than it's predecessors. Halo's sales is probably a proof to that. Still big but ain't what it used to be.

halo reach week 21 7.76m

halo 3 week 21 7.31m

don't really see this decline you speak of.

I think uncharted 3 will be viewed as a dissapointment comared to uncharted 2. I think it will max out at 5-5.5mil, though GT5 proved even though the majority of ps3 owners are codtarts like 360 owners other games can sell a lot as well so uncharted 3 certainly could sell 6mil if it manages to exceed its sequel in quality.

I don't see any huge sales improvements between gears 2 and gears 3 either. Ya it looks prettier but all sequels do. Max out at around 6-6.5mil unless it does to gears of war 2 what uncharted 2 did to uncharted. Made a great game nearly perfect for its genre.