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Gilgamesh said:

I believe it's going to happen now that we really seen the numbers and what Move has done, the PS3 is selling number one and is looking to be the number one console for the Holidays. If GT5 releases this year which it should sales are really going to explode.

Sure the PS3 will probably not pass the X360 in actual sold numbers but shipped? I think so.

(I think this meant this year, i.e. 2010, but never mind. Here's my view for this year)

I think it will be close, yes. 

But let's not forget about the two new handhelds coming out as well. That'll no doubt kill off potential sales for all consoles, therefore the gap will stabilise

And who would have predicted that the PS3 would sell so poorly WHEN COMPARED TO WII AND 360? Very few people, no doubt

I'm not saying it's impossible, but, it's certainly unlikely. None of the consoles are beating the other at the moment, so we'll have to see who strikes first. My guess would be Nintendo. Then the rest would play catch-up. But it'll be an interesting year...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.