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The_vagabond7 said:

And furthermore, I don't need further historical education to respond to what I was responding to.


"So you are saying the Christians used violence on Romans? Yeah, that makes sense considering the size and power of Roman Empire back than... And you should know that by conquering the Empreror, Christianity conquerered Rome.  And sorry to dissapoint you, but religion ws a HUGE deal to people back than, probably one of the most important factors of daily life back than. The Jupiter was Roman most prasied God, and they all rejected him and accepted the true God. And do you mind ansvering this question, why did an Empreror turned Christian when  his Empire haunted christians down for decades? It must have been because of the evil christian bastrds brainwashig him, right? It couldnt possibly be that he actually enlightend by our religion."


The christians didn't use violence on the romans, that would be dumb. Rather Constantine used violence on romans at the behest of Jesus (according to him anyway), and it worked so well he converted to christianity and then the christians used violence on other christians, and robbed pagan temples before setting up a concrete doctrine that must be obeyed, and all other forms of religion made illegal. Constantine wasn't "enlighted" by christianity, he remained a pagan christian hybrid and integrated paganism into christianity which is still around today in the form of various holidays such as christmas and easter which are pagan christian fusions.


Edit: I should note that Constantine didn't invent or personally integrate christmas or easter with pagan traditions, merely the early pagan christian roman fusion sought to appease both christians and pagans and thusly a number of concessions were made to involve pagan practices into christian beliefs.

Christmas is a day which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, a founder of non-pagan religion, so it might have a pagan date or some pagan similarites but it most certanly is not a pagan holiday. Nowhere in the bibgle does it say when Jesus was born, so the date is irrelevant. Its what is celebrated in christmas what counts. The videos that debunked Zeitgeist explain this much better than me, go look it up on youtube.


The first 2-3 minutes are regarding christmas as pagan holiday