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sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:

And thats why Nazi germany turned jewish !!!!!! But no seriously, the one day the empire wants to destroy a religion, and the next day, it becoes part of it because religion is a fad? Religion isnt something like clothesr or music that you can just switch to whenever you want. And who the fuck was forced to be christian back than? Christians were haunted down and slaughterd all over isreal, they had no army, nor violent influence on anyone, especially on romans. Romans were by far the strongest empire in the world, they didnt need to listen to anyone if they didnt want to. The truth is, they were blessed by the truth, and by our powerfull God, and our heavenly savior. No one could force Romans to do anything back than, and if they were converted by other christians, im pretty sure its because of what the christians were saying abut their religion, not because it was a fad.


And i know violence was used in roman, but it was used by romans, not the first christians.  Anywyas, the fact remains -  CHRISTIANITY CONQUERD ROME (THE EMPIRE THAT TRIED TO DESTROY IT ) WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE <<<--- This is a FACT

It's not a fact. Violence was sued. And again, people coverted because they wanted to be in the Emperor's good graces, after he showed special favor to Christianity, not because they thought the religion was better. People back then did whatever a figure like the emperor would do, in other words they'd be subjected to his whims. 

Christians themselves also persectured and forcefully converted many Native Americans (and in a couple of decades Latin American countries will have the largest Christian population in the world). Kings from Germanic and Slavic countries forced their subjects to convert, to get in the good graces of the Pope. And violence was used there. And lets not forget all the wars between differen Christian sects (heck, Christians were persecuting eachother in my very country less than a century ago). The ideea that Christianity is a non-violent religion is a myth (the first Christians don't count, as Christianity started gaining influence and popularity when it became mixed up with politics).

So you are saying the Christians used violence on Romans? Yeah, that makes sense considering the size and power of Roman Empire back than... And you should know that by conquering the Empreror, Christianity conquerered Rome.  And sorry to dissapoint you, but religion ws a HUGE deal to people back than, probably one of the most important factors of daily life back than. The Jupiter was Roman most prasied God, and they all rejected him and accepted the true God. And do you mind ansvering this question, why did an Empreror turned Christian when  his Empire haunted christians down for decades? It must have been because of the evil christian bastrds brainwashig him, right? It couldnt possibly be that he actually enlightend by our religion. 


Your second paragraph is straight up pointless, i wasnt arguing waht other christians did, just that the Christianity conquerd Rome without using violence.