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sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:
sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:

No, my religion isnt like the others. My religion teaches that NONE of us  are above the power of sin and NONE of us are good enough to be with God. In my religion, the messiah actually DIED FOR US and our sins, which symbolls the forgivness and the chance of human being with God. And my religion is also by far the biggest religion in the world, its not even close to being outdated.

I don't see anything you said as being proof that your religion is better than any other religion. All those points you mentioned only matter in the context of your own religion, but have no relevance in reality. And your last sentence... well, Twilight is extremely popular also.

Well, didnt you compare my religion with false pagan religions. Of course, i can never prove that my religion is better, you can never dispove or prove religion . But in my opinnion, Christianity presents the perfect image of real true God and the true messiah that DIED for us and our sins. I dont care about the identity of religion,  I care more about what message it delievers to the world. I dont care much about christianity as religious status, because religion, above all, seperates people. I care about what message it deliivers and the teachings of Jesus Christ, and how is presenting God. And thats why i think christianity is the best religion for me. And twilight has nothing to do with this, and it isn't even as slightly as popular as christianity

It's really terrible that you insult pagans and take such a superior attitude, considering you're just as vulnerable as they are to criticism. Your religion is no more true than theirs. As I said, your arguments for why your religion is better (one true God, massiah, sins, salvation) only makes sense in the context of your own religion, which essentially make them pointless.

As for the Twilight thing, well you're right. Christianity is just like Twilight, only even more mainstream.

Im not vulnerable to criticism, atheists insult christianity on the internet all the time (you being the first example in my head), but the second i state my own opinnion on other beliefs, i am automaticlly opressive christian fundamentalist, extremist imperialist NAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZIII !!!!1!!!1!11!!oneoneoneeleleveneleven, right?I just said why I think my religion is true and their is false. I also said most of pagan religions are either dead or outdated, or both, which is a fact. But of course, you couldn't stand someone saying that he/she thinks his religion is better than others, so you jumped on insulting me, which is what kazs explained.