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Chairman-Mao said:

Look I know their society seems backwards to us with laws like this, but even so; the law is the law. She knew adultery was wrong in her society and she chose to do it anyways and paid for it. 

Maybe there's a society out there where stealing isn't wrong and they think we're retarded for punishing thieves?

Except it's not the law, and that was clear in the article. It was an illegal stoning carried out by a terrorist group, not as a product of the justice system. The people who carried out the stoning are now wanted men.

That's not to say stoning isn't part of the justice system in other countries, because it is, and that's something that I and much of the world find disturbing.

And I do respect your approach to moral relativism, but you're still allowed to be outraged from a personal point of view, even though there is no set code of morals that all societies can live by. And pushing to get unreasonable laws with inhumane punishments revoked has been something mankind has always benefited from.