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What a hilarious day! As you very well know from the topic a friend of mine from the Animation department ( in my school) just found out that Mass Effect 2 came out on the PS3. This was soon after I posted that I was using the Collector Armor. He screamed to the heavens "Damn Sony!" I told him that he's blowing a gasket over nothing. He thought the Collector Armor was exclusive to the PS3 when he hasn't played or purchased all of the DLC yet. He goes into a rant about how Sony is evil, so I hold off on telling him that all consoles and PC have the Collector armor to humor myself. Eventually I leave my Facebook and come back to see all of my gamer friends ( even the 360 , PS3, wii and PC fanboys) all my friends realize he's bashing the PS3 for no reason and have to systematically explain to him that Microsoft made the mistake of not buying Bioware when they were warned to. EA bought Bioware and basically put the game on the PS3 regardless of what Bioware might of though. They really didn't seem angry about it to me, but my friend irritated. "WHY DOES PS3 TAKE ALL THE GAMES!?" Everyone else replied......." Because Microsoft never secures them or has any titles outside of Forza, Gear or Halo. He basically threatened to quit gaming because Microsoft lost the best franchise on the system to him. I agreed that I kept buying 360's only for the Mass Effect franchise and I have no interest in a 360 any longer. 

To make a long story short, eventually the poor sap lost his mind and made the mistake of saying the 360 had all the games anyway and the PS3 had no games (Yes...the dead 2006-2007 argument....may it r.i.p.). My friends all verbally raped him and told him he was the worst 360 fan boy ever. Great animator...crappy at keeping up with gaming when he talks in manner as if he does keep up. He freaked out when all my friends told him how many exclusives were on the PS3, Wii, DS, 3DS, PSP2, PSP and then proceeded to let him know how many exclusives the 360 had this year. LOL!


I like sharing my gaming moments with you guys. I ended up having to take off my post from my  face book before it scared the chicks off.