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I agree ioi, I would want my profile page to look more pro and more gaming. Sort of like myspace, where when we click on the profile we can have are favorite music playing. Just little kinks nothing important to drift from what this site is actually. Its a sales site and we should keep it that way.

I would also like the review system to be ramped up a bit. Maybe having some PS3 owners only review games and post a review like that and have Wii owners post reviews like that. And same can be said about 360 reviews. Just to have certain members access to reviews, and other members can just add feedback or post a score and leave it as that.

You should close down the whole scoring thing. Because its not working at its current state. We have all members on this site giving certain games bad reviews and the games have not been released yet. You should do an overhaul on the part of the system.

Other than that I find errors in the Sales database. When I click on Japan Totals on the front page and then select X360 or PS3 or Wii. I see the first 50 games but when I click on the second page it sends me right back to Japan Total Game sales of all consoles. That needs to be fixed please.

Other than that. Those things have been on my mind sense I joined the site a couple of weeks ago.

But your doing an awesome job. Good mods and cool members. Nice site by the way 8)