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thx1139 said:

I just have the feeling that neither of them are going to set the world on fire.  I cant help think that in NA with the 3DS selling for $250 parents arent going to fork over the cash.  I for one will not be getting a 3DS for my kids.  $750 for 3 boys for something the use to pass the time when we travel isnt worth it. Kids have other devices (phones, iPods, iPads, Zunes, etc.) that are multipurpose that they can play games on.

Yea. but in Japan handheld gaming is bigger then home console gaming. The 3DS could sell boatloads there, but then again, so will PSP2.

Still, price drops, remember the PS3 started at $600 and now look how well it's doing. Nintendo will have to make price drops on the 3DS.

Even then, expensive systems work now, more then they ever did before. Gameboy Colour was only $130 new (I believe), and I recall the GBA brand new costing only $150. DS initially costed $200, but went down to $130, and it was the most successful handheld ever. The jump from $200 to $250 isn't much, and when you take into consideration that it plays games in 3D without glasses, thats a bargan.

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