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AussieGecko said:

insert unannounced exclusive xbox360 game here. 

You do realise that Microsoft has not announced their full line up yet yes? Can we have that convo when this happens?

I agree but I doubt they will be adding much. If they do announce stuff at e3, even then, it is unlikely that most of it will launch this year. Just look at e3 2010 where they announced a new Crytek game and it did not come out in 2010. Also look at e3 2009 where Halo Reach, Natal(now Kinect),joy ride, Crackdown 2, and a reemergance of Alan Wake.(none of which came out in 2009) Same with when they announced Gears 3 and Forza 4 so even if they do announce a new game, it may not even release in 2011? Anyways, I doubt if they even announced an exclusive today, it would release the first half of the year, insuring that Sony has at least the first half of the year completely dominated(in terms of exclusives). As to whoever beats the other, I think it will probably be like last year, where both pretty much tied.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius