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dtewi said:


And note that it was the Pro-MS people that deemed MS articles as negative when posted by someone who isn't Pro-MS. It's as if you're trying to invalidate any point the so-called "negative" article may be trying to bring up. Do you honestly get that flustered when articles are posted? Enough to call the poster a stealth-troll and be done with it? And I doubt if someone Pro-MS posted an Anti-Sony article you'd call them out. And trust me, that happens a lot around here and I don't see you coming to the rescue over there.

It is not our fault the site has seen a rise in trolling either. Nor anyone else's. So then, there is no need to stop making threads because trolls might get angry. In fact, let them get angry and get themselves banned. That's a better option. 

We know that Pro-MS people won't post Anti-MS news, and now you're saying people Pro-MS can't either. Do you want this place to be a bastion of positive news then?  Where no negative news may flow in? No. This is not the site for that. Go to a 360 site if you don't want negative news, but don't complain there is negative news here.

That has always been the argument when someone gets banned or a thread gets locked because it's negative, and I'm mostly in agreement, there are a few rare cases where it becomes too much of a hindrance to let someone keep posting the negative news. 

Gebx is the only person I can remember that has been banned solely for posting negative news and that's because he did it in such crazy amounts you could come to VGC sometimes and see 7 or 8 threads in the hot topics all made by Gebx all with obscure negative Sony news he found.  I think that ban was fine but in general am in favor of letting people have their discussion even if someone posts some negative news with sinister intentions.
