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dtewi said:
Euphoria14 said:

I have only been flamed in the past for posting Kinect related news, whether it be positive or negative. Some users thought I shouldn't post anything Kinect related because I no longer owned a 360. It also did not bother as much you may think considering that I do no report people. I believe the last person I reported was myself, and that was for making a duplicate thread.

Carl was banned for saying something on the lines of "X console sold better than Y console. Like it should be."

Edit - You mentioned that one.



I am also not going to go lurking the forums to find instances. I know for certain I am not the only one here who for a time avoided giving an honest opinion due to the thought of being attacked and/or banned.

We could also say you are only getting on me based on what is written on your profile about people thinking the moderators are biased.

I do not think they are biased, never said they were. I just think that there were many times where getting banned was too easy and some were not what I would consider bannable and many cases where I think cases of "trolling" were not really "trolling".

I made a thread about it months ago, even before people got on me about the Kinect threads, so this isn't anything new.

I din't say you thought the mods were biased. Just irritated that you think a different opinion nets a ban.

And I'm sorry, but I've been here almost 4 years and I don't think I've ever seen that happen.

And yes, I do remember that thread. That is completely stupid. Though I elaborated my feelings further on a thread by MUGEN. Yes, they were wrong.

I do not think that different opinions always net a ban, but there are instances in which they do. 

I just like posters to be as honest as possible, which is why I lurk on N4G, especially once they got rid of the Open Zone.  


I have also been here for over 3 years and I remember the likes of Gebx, who was obviously anti-sony, although almost everything he posted was actual news articles, yet he was banned many times for what was considered "flamebait" just because of his console preference.

You can't tell me you don't remember instances like that.


It is just like Pizzafacegamer now. He is so obviously anti-sony and posts tons of anti-sony threads, yet I don't really think they are always worthy of bans just because it is always negative.

Someone has to bring the negative news. Nobody would expect the pro sony guys to do it right?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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