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dtewi said:
Euphoria14 said:

Yes and to be honest I think that kills a site's forum activity more than anything else. People shouldn't be afraid to post because of the fear of getting banned due to not agreeing with the majority of that forum section's inhabitants.

I can not even begin to explain how many times I have seen people banned for thinking a console's library isn't up to snuff with another's or expressing their thought that one console is better than the other, even if sales do not agree, because to be honest not everyone thinks something is better because it sells more.

For example I would not agree that the Wii is the best console this generation, and for that should I be penalized? Should everyone need to agree that Wii is the best because it's sales far surpass the rest?

I play games, not sales and the PS3 library interests me more and opinion on library is subjective, not objective.

I think you're just getting disgruntled because you may have been flamed for that in the past.

Though your suggestion of being banned just due to different opinions is downright irritating. Never before have I seen a person get banned simply for thinking: "Well, X>Y". That is, unless it was posted in a deliberately flaming manner. As in, a person only owning a 360 says: "Lol, Blur>Mario Kart." I've been here nearly 4 years and have never seen that type of ban stupidity. Well, Carl was one. Then again, it was immediately repealed, so that's not much of an issue.

I'd like to see an instance of one of the "countless times" a person has been banned for a simple difference of opinion.

I have only been flamed in the past for posting Kinect related news, whether it be positive or negative. Some users thought I shouldn't post anything Kinect related because I no longer owned a 360. It also did not bother as much you may think considering that I do no report people. I believe the last person I reported was myself, and that was for making a duplicate thread.

Carl was banned for saying something on the lines of "X console sold better than Y console. Like it should be."

Edit - You mentioned that one.



I am also not going to go lurking the forums to find instances. I know for certain I am not the only one here who for a time avoided giving an honest opinion due to the thought of being attacked and/or banned. You need to realize that this kind of thought process gets created for a reason.

We could also say you are only getting on me based on what is written on your profile about people thinking the moderators are biased.

I do not think they are biased, never said they were. I just think that there were many times where getting banned was too easy and some were not what I would consider bannable and many cases where I think cases of "trolling" were not really "trolling".

I made a thread about it months ago, even before people got on me about the Kinect threads, so this isn't anything new.



If anything I only thought that moderators were a bit too strict, which has nothing to do with console bias. This is a forum for discussion and shouldn't be overly policed.If you disagree that is fine, but my thought will not change.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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