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snfr said:
goddog said:
snfr said:
goddog said:
Fufinu said:

It was actually in 09. Shortly after the PS price cut.

that was a clearance sale of the old arcades not a permeant cut.
there has not been a real cut since the cut of fall 08

There was a price cut on the the elite sku last year:

In Europe its' price was cut by 50€, btw.

they just changed sku offerings,  they eliminated the real elite the new one came with they same stuff the old pro did just a larger hard drive and new color. and killed off the old elite reserving the even larger hard drive, and hdmi cable for special editions.

the new elite may be called elite, but its just a pro. no real price drop.

the bottom stayed 199. the middle stayed 299 and the top now only special editions/kinect is 399…..   wait does this mean special edition kinect versions will be 499? or will they hold that off till the next real price cut …

also this is all based on USA they could have dropped prices in europe i really don't know

Umm, they eliminated the Pro, not the Elite. And the Elite dropped by 100$. So no, it was not just a pro.

But yeah, the bottom stayed 199.

they changed the old eltie, and took stuff out of it, yes they still call it the elite, but the lower price came with items removed, basically making it a pro with a larger hd

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