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RolStoppable said:
bannedagain said:
disolitude said:

I have no opinion of this, but here is an interesting thing I noticed... When you get banned, all of the comments you made on articles dissapear. Bam! Gone! Erased in to oblivion! I am not sure if they come back when you get unbanned...but I really dont feel like getting banned again to find this out.

SO do we have any takers for this scientific test? LOL

WHO is up for the challenge to test this?C'mon

I will gladly take this challenge, but I want to get banned by Torillian for not giving him a proper synopsis of the M!Games LPB2 review. A ban length of five minutes is enough to check this comments thing out.

shortest ban is a day.

On the Disolitude's post:  Are you sure about that?  I know that when someone is permabanned their comments and posts are deleted but I don't think something similar happens with regular bans.
