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Chibi.V.29 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Wagram said:

The fanboy battles and meltfowns over the exclusitivity is stupid. The game is fantastic but people need to understand that from a business standpoint another console gives the opportunity to give more sales. It has got like 1.7M 360 sales which is GOOD. I wouldn't be suprised if Versus went multi. With the recent 90% profit cut you can bet your ass its coming.

Even if the game was exclusive it would still be nothing to go crazy over. That Final Fantasy was an insult to JRPG fans everywhere. This is why I vow this gen to buy Sakaguchi only titles this gen aside from Versus. Lost Odyssey was my FF this gen so far and The Last Story will be enjoyed on my friends Wii. No Original XIII character better show their face in Versus. From the backlash SE has received in Japan over exclusivity, I highly doubt it will get a multiplat release. I think this title will  be strictly PS3 to get the most out of the hardware which SE promised. There hasn't been a true PS3 exclusive that harnessed the PS3's power. This should be interesting to see. 

FFXIII is DEFINATLY better than lost odyssey. Sakaguchi isnt that great anymore imo :/

.....Wow. Welp more power to you in your beliefs. Lost Odyssey had an extremely emotional storyline, was longer,had more exploration, had branching characters with more likable identities. All FFXIII had on it was Final Fantasy sold more, but on a technical level as far as JRPG's are concerned it is far from even being in lost odysseys ball park. Sakaguchi is still great which is why he's made titles for all three brands after his departure from SE. Nomura Sakaguchi= A golden game. Sakaguchi is great a creating direction and bringing life to a game, Nomura is more about a look. Nomura even looks like a FF character. FF titles have gone down hill in quality  since Sakaguchi left. There is no doubting this.