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Lucas-Rio said:

You are as bad as the drunk hobo of your youtube link.

The movie does not have a main protagonist? He does not have the standard sissy turning into a badass after a learning time? But who care? You want movie to just be copy of another copy of another copy.

I am sorry but there are not a checking list to respect when you are making an action movie. The main character of Phantom menace is Anakin, like in all the prequels. The rest is a back story. Your are missing the point completely. The prequels are there to tell the story of Anakin and for this reason mainly.

The film was great, it was an action packed movie, with the introduction of Anakin, a well made planet and civilization (under the sea), an good battle and everything we needed to start this trilogy.

The main character doesn't have to be a sissy. He can be made into a strong character in any number of ways. Tarantino does it by making all of his main characters badasses throughout the entire movie. What character in the prequel trilogy could possibly be described as a badass? Certainly not Anakin, who starts off as a small annoying child, becomes a soppy annoying teenager and finally turns into a cringing, depressed young man. Even as Darth Vader in Episode III, he seems incredibly insecure. Compare the man who said "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" (somehow managing to sound completely emotionless and inhuman) with the man who said "No, Luke. I am your father". The same character? Really?

Anakin was just about the worst part of the prequel trilogy, barring only Jar Jar Binks and maybe Padme. But neither of those two had any significant role. I don't hate the prequels as much as most fans of the original trilogy. And believe me, I am a fan of the original trilogy, and I don't believe that the prequels come anywhere near the originals in terms of writing, story, acting, character development, engagement of the audience, empathy, or really anything that makes a good movie other than quality of special effects. The only reason Revenge of the Sith was less terrible than Episodes One and Two was that George Lucas didn't even pretend he had decent characters or a believable story, and just directed two hours of explosions and general pewpew.

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