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RolStoppable said:
homer said:
dany612 said:

But a PC is made into a console. As in until you buy games for it, and a controller which not many people do. But in that sense. A cell phone is also a conosole. OMG

I disagree. Since when do you need a traditional controller to become a console? The keyboard and mouse works fine. Most pc's come with built in flash games do they not? A cell phone would also be considered a console. That is why it is hard to compare things using such broad terms.

A console is a device with unified specifications (i.e. every Wii sold has the same processing power) specifically made to play video games, either as sole or primary purpose. PCs and cell phones are not consoles.

Who said it had to primarily be used for gaming? If that were the case, would the ps3's that were bought by some (albeit a small minority) primarily for bluray, not consoles? The same for the ps2? If that is your current definition for consoles, soon, we may never see consoles ever again, as our devices become more focused on multimedia.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius