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This is my favourite Star Wars movie. I do adore both Episode 4 and Episode 6, but this is comfortably above both. One of the greatest films ever created.


- Hoth is beautifully designed and rendered. As is everything else. And all using effects from the 1970s.

Beautiful musical score.

- The Imperial attack is just...incredible. It makes that clone-droid battle in Attack of the Clones, a fantastic scene in its own right, look like two babies fighting over a lollipop.

- Mark Hamill acts far better in this than in A New Hope.

- The navigation of the asteroid field.

- Han and Leia. That's how you do sexual tension, creepy-modern-day-George-Lucas. Not paedophilic relationships between senators and annoying fourteen year old boys.

- Yoda.

- Vader, in significant quantities.

No, Luke. I am your father. 


- Nothing comes to mind.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective