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It was understandable why Sony made the PSP play second fiddle to the PS3 when it became obvious that the Playstation brand was in serious trouble with the massive success of the Wii with casuals and the 360's success with core gamers. 

Still though it was a little hard to watch as the PSP Go was basically sent out to die in an attempt to milk the brand for whatever they could while the PS3 Slim's launch was handled so skillfully and with a willingness to cut price and lose money.

But there's really no excuse anymore for the way Sony is still giving the PSP the shaft.  First there's people even inside Sony rooting for the success of the PSP's future competitor, the 3DS, which by itself would be a slap in the face to the PSP.  But now we're learning that instead of answering the 3DS's challenge for core gamers, Sony appears to instead be lending the PSP name to the very troubled Sony Ericsson in some hairbrain plan to turn it into an iPhone challenger.

Which brings me to my question.  What are they thinking?  It's bad enough to not focus on the brand but they seem to be going out of their way to destroy it.  Take for example their advertising, they have the perfect person to promote it, Kevin Butler, but instead they go through the trouble of creating an unlikeable character, Markus Rivers, instead.

What's sad about all this is that looking at the big picture it has actually hurt the entire Playstation brand by resulting in continued declines in revenue (for every increase in the PS3 there's an even bigger decrease caused by the PSP and PS2).  Anyways I'm sure the people at Nintendo must have been laughing their asses off at Peter Dille's  comments but hopefully there're are some people at Sony that aren't laughing and are able to step in somehow and save the PSP brand before it's too late.