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XanderZane said:
AnthonyW86 said:

It really amazes me how some people simply don't seem to be able to see even the slightest chance of PS3 passing the Wii eventually. Really, comments like ''the gap is 35 million so no way''? Is that a joke? Yes the PS3 won't overtake the Wii while their both on the market, but you can rest assured that the PS3 while be on the market longer than the Wii. So at that point every single sale the PS3 makes directly cuts down the Wii's lead.

The race is over once the next generation starts. If the PS3 doesn't catch the Wii within the same amount of time it was out on the market, it's over. Doesn't matter what the PS3 does after that. The Wii still wins.

That must be about the silliest thing i've ever heard. You know a company profits most on a console later on in it's life-cycle? You know that any new system that will be released is likely to be outsold by it's predecessor in the first two years? Not only that the old system will sell more software in the first two years aswell, and keep bringing in money. And what is the start of the next generation exactly? When Nintendo launches their next console witch is barely more powerfull than the current PS3 and X360?

A system is dead when it stops bringing in money and isn't produced anymore, so no the Wii doesn't win. More importantly, PS3 may even beat the Wii where it really counts, in the number of software sold.