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dtewi said:
Gilgamesh said:
jarrod said:
Gilgamesh said:

 and several more price cut's to go, it's still at $299 and $350, imagine sales for a $199 PS3.

I imagine they'd pale in comparison to a $99 Wii.

People seem to overlook that Wii's held price higher, longer than any system in history.  Though really, we'll probably only get down to $149 before Nintendo retires it I bet. :/

A $50 price cut didn't make that big of a difference to the Wii last year, and it's still down YoY.

Yet I still imagine why it would make a difference to the PS3!

The Wii was already cheap enough as it was, it started off at $250 while the PS3 was at $650 obviously a lot of people are going to avoid buying the PS3 at such a high price, but as it get's cheaper more and more people will be inclined to buy it. $300 is pretty much the price of a normal launch console, the PS3 finally reached that price point but is still a bit expensive for the average consumer. Also the Wii been at mass market price for quite some time, PS3 is still a ways away. The PS2 sold (I pretty sure it was 75% or 80%) of it's sales at $199 and below, not saying that's whats going to happen to the PS3 or Wii but just throwing that out there.