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To quote Khuutra, "People be all up in a tizzy" when it comes to console sales. It's normal, it happens, and it'll continue into the unforseeable future. And everyone does it, doesn't matter if you're all in a tizzy for Wii sales, 360 sales, PS3 sales, etc. etc. People like to see their console of choice do well (no harm in that), and once in a while we'll get people who like to see consoles they don't like not do well (I find harm in that).

So yeah, congrats to the PS3 and the success that Move has brought it. All I see is another reason that Motion Controls are here to stay, and are no longer some fad useful for only one console, sent to disappear after this generation is over. People love 'em, and we'll continue to see Motion gaming grow and evolve before our eyes.

So yeah, don't mind Toastboy's 10th thread about how Wii's in trouble, celebrate the fact that it's been such a huge success in the industry and continues to sell incredibly well (saw a 40% rise in sales this week, so that's a great sign). Celebrate the fact that we're getting some awesome games to play this holiday (dibs on Epic Mickey!). And celebrate that it's a great time to be a gamer. ^_^