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AngelosL said:

First of all I don't put Oblivion and Heavy Rain among the rest of the games.I called them great,and they are my favorite games this gen.

I play video games since I was 5 , Ι've owned even for a short while almost every console  that was released,and it's the first time that I call a generation mediocre.The only other console I can compare to the 7th generation ones is the Mega Drive, only this time there isn't a Super Nintendo around to equalize things...

I don't have a problem with anyone enjoying this gen, but I've played more than enough games to have an opinion on the matter,and apart from the visuals the new consoles havent offered me anything new that would make me call a title masterpiece.

examples of previous gens:  NES -Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3

                                                    SNES-FFIV,VI ,Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country 1,2 

                                                    PS - Castlevania:Symphony of the Night, FFVII, Metal Gear Solid, resident Evil,Silent Hill

                                                    n64 - Zelda Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye,Lylat Wars

                                                    PS2 -Resident Evil 4, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, GTA Vice City,Rez,FF X,XII

                                                  also on the PC: Half-Life ,Diablo,Starcraft,Baldur's Gate 1,2 , Riven,Monkey Island series

now those were a few examples where games took the experience to another level.There are more,those were the first to come in mind.The games of this gen which are considered great: Halo series, GTAIV, Uncharted series and COD:Modern Warfare .... Online Shoot em Ups, a GTA inferior to Vice City and a good game (UC2) which is based on tomb raider.Now compare those to any of the above. Am I the only one who sees there's a huge gap of quality?

You're not really giving this gen much credit and selling it very short. Many of the titles you listed were great (and still are great). But look at the great titles we've had this gen:

Multiplat: Fallout 3, Oblivion, Half-Life 2 & episodes, Portal, Mass Effect 1 & 2, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, Dragon Age Origins, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed 2

PC: Starcraft 2, Crysis, The Witcher, Empire Total War

PS3: Uncharted 2 (which is only 40% like Tomb Raider), Killzone 2, MAG, Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain, Little Big Planet, God of War 3

360: Gears of War series, Fable series, Halo series, Forza series

Wii: Zelda (with one to follow), Wii Sports, All Metroid Primes, 2X Mario Galaxy games, Wii Sports Resort, NSMB Wii, No More Heroes

And still to be released: Little Big Planet 2, Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Rising, Mass Effect 3, Crysis 2, Assassins Creed with Multiplayer, Dragon Age 2, The Last Guardian, FFXIII Vs, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, E.Y.E etc.

You've also failed to acknowledge all the smaller and cheaper games and indie titles available online (Live, PSN, Steam, Wii Ware) that weren't previously available for consoles and weren't readily accessible, even on PC. Games like Mount & Blade, Minecraft, Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light, Flower, Flow etc. would be lucky to see the light of day in the past.

Seriously, I think nostalgia is warping your view of past gens. There are plenty of quality titles this gen from a range of genres. Many have made their way into my top 25 games, with a few even making my top 5.

.... yay for list wars!