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starcraft said:
Carl2291 said:
starcraft said:

Did Move do what Sony and many of it's fans hoped or intended?  Certainly not.

I don't know what Sony/Sony fans expected of Move.

Can you tell me please?

My perception of their expectations?  A substantial shift in the public perception surrounding the PS3.  In the way people want to play games.  A sizeable and sustained increase in sales.

Certainly not the lacklustre sell through we've seen evidence of. 

Move has clearly not been a major flop.  But to call it a "success" is an equivelant stretch, unless you truly believe that Son'y ONLY goal with Move was to literally break even on the hardware.

you sound like GeneralMLD

"they want to 'rebrand' the PS3" and all that nonsense.

No they don't, and they never said anything like that