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Firstly, the Hitler comparison is stupid, but we got Godwin's Law out of the way nice and early, I suppose. I might as well respond to the original comments rather than the pages of inevitable Islam-bashing (justified or not) which followed.

As everyone has said, it's perfectly reasonable to demand that immigrants speak the country's language. If you want to live somewhere, you should learn to communicate and integrate to some degree. Learning a language does not violate your cultural identity or whatever.

When you immigrate, it is your duty to work and help the country. You haven't been allowed in to live off benefits. You have moved to, in this case, Germany, and you should be working to improve it; this should be your condition for being allowed to remain in the country. Locals should, of course, also be working, but that is a separate issue.

It's probably quite clear to those who know me that I detest all forms of extremist religion. When you're reading a two-thousand year old vaguely-scientific storybook, you can't really take it literally, not least because it contradicts itself over and over again. The United Declaration of Human Rights was written a solid 1900 years after the Bible. It has the advantage of those extra 1900 years of human knowledge. Every country's laws (or, at least, those who don't follow religious law) change on quite a regular basis to adapt to the changing state of the country's residents and the world. In an ideal world, in my opinion, we would have nobody wearing burqas, nobody burning Qur'ans, nobody *hides under a table* praying five times a day or any such thing.

But, whatever. Your life, go ahead and do what you like. To a certain extent.

When your behaviour is interfering with the lives of the people in a country, be it religious or otherwise, you have to change or leave. The whole country should not have to adapt to a tiny minority of people. So, if you want to go to church/mosque/synagogue/mandir/whatever, go ahead. If you want to pray five times a day, that's fine. If you want to wear a burqa (which I highly doubt anyone does, but again, separate issue), then by all means do, unless your doing so is somehow inconvenient to those around you.

You shouldn't be asking for concessions. If you don't like swimming in a swimming pool with transparent walls and ceilings, surrounded by trees, (British example, true story), then by all means don't swim in it. Don't swim at all, if you don't want to. But you have no place, when you are part of a minority (this would, of course, apply to a small group of Christians/atheists who objected) telling the local authority to make the windows opaque "because it offends your religion". The local authority's reply should, in this case, be a more tactful variant of "Go fuck yourself", rather than a timid acceptance.

I think (hope) that this is what Angela Merkel is getting at. She's just throwing in the word "Christian" because it's in her party's name, and she gets to assume the moral high ground. Slightly tasteless, but not exactly fascist. All she's saying, as far as I can see, is that immigrants should try to integrate with German culture, should curb religious practises which interfere with the smooth running of the country, and should speak the language.

The CDU is non-denominational. Are they in dire need of a name change? Yes. Are they some sort of Christian equivalent of Hamas, the Taliban or the ruling party in Iran? No.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective