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pizzahut451 said:
kowhoho said:
pizzahut451 said:

I dont think i have EVER in my life seen so much double standared hypocrites and ignornce in one plce as i have in this thread today. Dear God...

I haven't been keeping up with this thread (as it's entirely derailed at this point). If you wouldn't mind terribly could you give some examples of this hypocracy so I could have even a small chance of re-entering this conversation?

The last page or so is riddled with convoluted quote boxes and italiced/non-italicized text and everyone is using different formatting techniques. It's all very confusing! >.<

Well, i see people saying ''you have no right to judge anyone because they are attracted to same gender'' but than they call other people who disagree with them biggots and homophobes. Than they say ''youur beliefs dont matter'' but than they pretend like their beliefs are the right ones simply because they think so and try to force them on you.

Who's forcing anyone's views on anyone else? If you disagree that homosexuality isn't a natural occurence then you're comming from a position of ignorance. If you think that gay people shouldn't have the same rights as heterosexuals then that is the definition of homophobic. Nothing judgmental about it, just a simple definition of the word. And noone is impossing anything on your rights as an indvidual by saying it.

Then they go out and say that christianity sees homosexuality as a sin. thiat is an example of pure ignorance. then the people go on saying that if you dont support gay marrige your a big homophobe and biggot. i dont support it and im not either of those things. and if you try to convice me diffrent, you just proved my 1st point.

Considerring their are quotes in the bible that suggest it's a sin you can see where they may get this view. Out of interest, why don't you support gay marriage/civil partnerships? Why exactly are heterosexuals more deserving of these rights than heterosexuals?