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Summary of awesome info at the bottom!

- Cats are superior to dogs.

- ArenaNet wants the combat to be exciting all the time with "controlled chaos". Like when things go wrong in other MMOs, that's when the combat is the most fun, because players have to change tactics much more and be more on their toes.

- They go up against a big boss at one point, where things go well, and then their healer is killed. But thanks to the versatile classes and the ability for anyone to revive fallen comrades, they manage to turn the situation around, with people taking new roles as needed.

- "The controlled chaos keeps combat dynamic and exciting and generates great stories to brag and laugh about afterwards."

- Minions have many different functions. Blood fiends heal you and your allies, bone minions can be made to explode, bone fiends immobalize your enemies and shadow fiends can teleport to your enemy.

- New dungeons will be available to players every 10 levels or so, with more available in the end game.

- The first time you enter a dungeon, you enter into its story mode. Every dungeon has a story that is tied with one or two of the heroes from Destiny's Edge (the characters presented here).

- Beating the story mode for a dungeon will unlock the explorable mode, where you can experience various follow-up stories to what you saw in story mode. This mode will contain loads of hidden surprises and multiple paths that ensure different outcomes for players, so there is enough replayability to satisfy players.

- The first dungeon revealed is Sorrow's Embrace (Sorrow's Furnace evolved? Oh yeah...). A level 60-70 dungeon revolving around the dredge (that used to be enslaved by the dwarves). In story mode, you find out that the dredge leaders have betrayed their people and are selling them off to slavers, so you try to defeat the slavers. In explorable mode, you help the dredge workers revolt against their leaders, so you see the consequnces of the actions you made in the story mode.

- The second dungeon is the Ascalon Catacombs, that are filled with spirits of ascalonian warriors. The bosses are profession trainers from the first game (Master Ranger Nente, Necromancer Munne, etc.) and King Adelmen to mention some.

- Armor and weapons found in dungeons will not be superior in spec to other armor sets from around the same player level. So it will be equal to armor found through PvP or otherwise.