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evolution_1ne said:
KungKras said:
evolution_1ne said:
KungKras said:
evolution_1ne said:
KungKras said:
evolution_1ne said:
KungKras said:
9Chiba said:

Can you name me one game that released before Killzone which has the same gritty atmosphere?

can you name me one gamer that plays games just for atmosphere?

You got to it before me xD

Altohugh my reply was going to be: "So a gritty atmosphere = an original and outstanding game?"

coming from nintendo fans who enjoy games with no story what so ever and pride them selves of the same rehash 2d mario over and over and over

lol the irony there is amazing XD

The original point that I was replying to was that Sony made new IPs instead of reusing their IPs like Nintnedo.

I responded by pointing out that even though Sony makes new IPs, there is nothing original about most of said new IPs, and I listed the biggest first party games that Sony had and compared them to 3rd party games in the same genre. (The only truly original IPs they have being LBP and the ICO games)

So I fail to see the irony that you are seeing,

Now I want you to find me one third party game that is like Zelda OoT, one FPS that is like the Metroid Primes, and one game that was like Super Smash Bros before it came out. It's impossible. It seems like Nintendo's games actually stand out from all the standard genre-defined games of third parties and the like doesn't it?

Also, you shouldn't forget how many genres Nintnedo has pioneered. Sony and MS are now making Wii sports clones for example.

Nintnedo hasn't made new IP in a long time, but the IP that they already have does stand out from all other games that the industry makes, unlike MS and Sony's new games, that mostly just takes proven concepts and applies them to already well-defined genres.

yeah, I can see where this one is going......

my suggestion is you actually play the games before you bash them, and judging by your post you haven't played ANY of them, especially killzone 2

Orly? how can you see that I haven't played them? What insight am I supposed to have that you so clearly can see that I don't have?

I only need to see gameplay to see that GoW plays exactly like DMC, and that GT is a racing game. Do you think, after having seen a walkthrough of Ratchet & Clank and stating that it's a basic 3D platformer that that assumption is wrong? Would me playing it suddenly make me realize that it's a survival horror?

My point still stand as strong as ever despite your accustions.

ok dude GOW3 plays nothing like DMC, they're both hack n slash and thats clearly  ALL you know

GT is a simulator, the first on a console, not a racing game -_-

and yes ratchet is a 3d platform, but before call it generic PLAY the damn game dude

typical Nintendo fan every genre Nintendo isn't in is generic and every genre they are in should be exclusive to just them and everything is a knock off, pathetic you guys seriously, and this while having never played the games yourselves......

but whatever dude, you keep playing and loving the same f**king game over and over and I'll sit and suffer threw the endlessly diverse, quality line up, that spans all genres and preferences, and have been doing so from the start.

I realize now my being here was wrong as I'm clearly not a mo- Nintendo fan, I'm leaving now

GT is a realistic-style racing game.

Ratchet & Clank is a standard 3D platformer with guns.

And you are BLIND if you think GoW plays differently from DMC. I have seen my friend play both on his PS2, and the ONLY difference between them is that GoW had QTE's.

Go play your games that copies whatever gameplay is popular at the time and keep telling yourself that those games are SO original.

LOL at the spans all genres and preferences part BTW, all genres, yea right.

name one genre Sony doesn't have a game in
better, name one Sony doesn't have a game and and Nintendo does lol

2D platformer.

Starfox-style shooter

Whatever animal crossing is.


As for genres that I like that Sony doesn't have a game in that Nintendo doesn't have either:


Oblivion-style RPG


Hearts of Iron-style RTS

Other strategy games.

Whatever Minecraft is.

I could name more, but I guess that's a lot more than one.