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You completely missed my point Davygee. They could Ubisoft the game and release a shoddily ported glitch riddled game alongside the more polished PS2 and PSP versions or they could do the port right and have the game come out later. Judging by their track record with the Tomb Raider Legend port on GC, Eidos will actually do the Wii title justice. The lateness of the game will more and likely negatively effect its sales. That said, its better to have quality port arrive late and have customers who buy it look forward to your next offering. I know a lot of Wii owners that have sworn off the aforementioned Ubisoft because of their timely but rushed Wii titles. Also Spiderman 3 isn't the best example. At least the PSP version has a chance to actually be a good game. The PS3, 360, and Wii versions showed promised but were obviously rushed to be released alongside the movie. The PS2 game was just plain bad, I mean it looks like a PS1 game. The PSP game could still suck but at least its developers have time to clean the game up.