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great sales for halo reach. But I don't see why some people are getting so annoyed at people dissapointed with the sales. I'm a bit dissapointed too, but thats more of a compliment to the game then an insult. What other game could have people considering 4mil week 1 as dissapointing.

Its hard to tell if halo gained new fans because while its opening is similar to halo 3, halo 3 released with no real competition. No one expected MW to get as big as it did. And I'm willing to bet call of duty caused halo to lose a lot of fans that it needs to make up for with new buyers. With Japan sales it should be number 2 first week of all time. It is annoying though that some people are trying to claim future adjustments will mean it will sell less then halo 3. Go by the numbers you see, not the numbers you hope to see.