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Metallicube said:
Carl2291 said:
Metallicube said:

As for the PS3, it's easy to be up YoY when its numbers were previously very low. It's relative. To the sensitive Sony fans: I may have mispoke when I said PS3 packed it in, but now that the slim and pricecut have run their course, and the Move doesn't seem like it'll effect the hardware (since the technology has already existed for 4 years and the Move games don't seem to do anything different), I'm simply saying that Sony has shown most of their cards. It always baffles me that everyone seems to think PS3 will be this magical console that will last forever. It's just not the case people.

I'm not saying Wii and 360 will sell like gangbusters while PS3 collapses, I'm just saying PS3 will decline like everything else, and going from the evidence, It seems to be sooner rather than later. You have to look at the upcoming PS3 library as evidence of the console's future, the one thing that funny enough no one seems to mention. Judging from the future library, there isn't much for my mind that will keep the PS3 at the high it's been during the past year. You can't say anything critical of Sony on this site, it's getting silly.

Are you saying the PS3 has no games for next year to keep the console interesting to the general public?

I wouldn't say no games, but few. At least that I know about.

Besides FFIV, I don't see any blockbusters, like GoW, GT5, FFXIII, Killzone 2, etc. Maybe Killzone 3. I'm sure there's more that Sony just hasn't announced yet, but I always thought they were notorious for announcing most of their hits well in advance.

Possible Million sellers already announced that come straight to mind. Bear in mind 1 or 2 of these may be releasing 2012.

Killzone 3
inFamous 2
ICO Collection 
The Last Guardian
Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Dead Space 2
Twisted Metal
Dragon Age 2
Crysis 2
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
Resistance 3
Batman: Arkham City
Street Fighter x Tekken
Mortal Kombat
Annual Madded/FIFA

That's off the top of my head, and what's already been confirmed. There's probably a fair few I've missed and countless yet to be revealed (Uncharted 3, Modern Warfare 3, Final Fantasy VII Remake, etc.)