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Metallicube said:

Again, to think 360 and PS3 are guarenteed to outlast the Wii is very shortsighted. Nothing is guarenteed. I suppose they could outlast it, but Nintendo will have to either cut the life short by releasing a new console before them, OR compeltely stop releasing games that people want to buy (which essentially happened the first 9 months of this year). Being more of a "core console" (whatever that means) has nothing to do with it.

I hate to butt in, but I can't resist anymore.

It's software that keeps consoles alive. The support they get.

It's getting it's biggest exclusive game before the year is over.
PS3 is getting, and will continue to get excellent 1st party AND 3rd party support.
It just got it's Motion Controller, thus bringing in all new support and interest when (if) word of mouth kicks in. It's already getting new exclusives (Virtua Tennis 2011).
It still has PLENTY of room for pricecuts.
It's still a big console, so it can easily be redesigned. PS2 had multiple redesigns, PS3 can do too.
It can still get multiple colors released for it. 
It's sales have increased every year since it released. Why would it suddenly have "packed it in", especially when it outsold Wii in this region this week (And Japan for Months on end)?

I honestly fail to see how you can think the PS3 has "packed it in". Honestly. It just sounds like a load of wishful thinking biased bullcrap.

If any console has packed it in... You should be looking at the Wii, not the PS3. It's down by a quarter of a Million units YoY , and losing a lot of marketshare. Despite having a pricecut, and NSMB late last year. While the PS3 is up by 1.4 Million units YoY and gaining marketshare...