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*Only read this thread if you've fully beaten Halo: Reach*

Hello everyone! I was rather surprised that no one's made this thread yet. If someone HAS, do let me know and provide a Link so we all know where to go.


I want to talk about the very last stage in Halo Reach. Yes, the one that is AFTER the credits. How did you finish the fight? When I saw the intro cutscene, and then the objective "survive" pop up, I instantly knew what it meant, and my heart sank like a rock. I was playing co-op with my best friend and we both instantly said "oh..." as our moods flew down the tube. I wanted to just drop my controller on the ground, to be honest, but I had to fight to help my friend survive. 2 minutes later and he ended up dying while I was rushing to his side. I just slowly dropped my controller and gave up. Yeah... that's right. :( I gave up.

This is the first time any Halo game has ever drawn any sort of sadness out of me. Even in the darkest hour of the other games, we always laugh and have fun like it's a game, but in Reach it was different. For instance, I only play Halo 3 with the "Happy Birthday Grunt" skull on, but in Halo Reach I refuse to turn it on, it completely detracts from the game.


So, how did everyone else finish the fight? Did you go out like a true badass, down to your very last breath, or did you succumb to your fate and give up knowing you had no way to win?

Or... did you try running away from the battlefield to see if there was any way to escape?

EDIT: If the description of how you went out doesn't match any of the above, do explain. ^_^