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Khuutra said:
Conegamer said:
Demotruk said:

Well it's better than your own hypothesis, which is falsified by the fact that there are a number of "Nintendo games" higher on the UK chart than Other M.

Perhaps, but perhaps the people who were the target audience for this game (namely more mature gamers) would rather hold out for Reach if they had the chance, no?


I find it hard to believe no-one wants it, it's just the release is a little awkward. I still reckon round 500,000 by end of the year.

This implies that Metroid and Halo have the same demographics, or Halo's overlaps with Metroid's.

This is not the case. Gamers arn't that broadly classified.

I suppose I'm just dissapointed with the sales, and there's no hiding- no way of getting out of it;

Gaming has changed. 

Back when I started gaming, there was no such thing as an "FPS" (I remember Duke Nukem Forever vividly). Now it's the "in thing"

Surely this should mean that Other M would sell well? Quite the opposite. These so-called "hardcore" gamers see a game as "hardcore" and "mature" due to being able to blow stuff up. Hence the Wii isn't recognised, due to poorer graphics. This results in less of Other M's target audience OWNING a Wii, let alone getting the game...

Perhaps I'm blowing things out of proportion, but I preferred a world where you weren't recognised for owning a different console to other people, and it was just considered "geeky". I KNOW metroid games dont normally SELL THAT WELL but still


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.