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Wii Music

An expected compilation of music titles utilizing the unique control aspects of the Wii controller. Bang on a drum set, conduct an orchestra, and make beautiful music with your videogame machine!

Two games in the Wii Music franchise have already been revealed: one allows you to conduct an orchestra (and was famously used my Shigeru Miyamoto to debut Wii to the world at E3 2006), while the other allows you to break out the beat on a drum kit.

A New beginning

In A New Beginning, an impending global climate cataclysm threatens the world. At locations all around the globe, players will have to try and stem the tide of disasters – with the whole world hanging in the balance.

The game features more than 30 characters, many challenging puzzles and adventurous situations, and much more.


Endless ocean it's already available in Europe and Japan. It has a gameranking average of 75.9% right now

Navigating their way through the depths of the ocean using the Wii remote, players guide their character using the pointer's cursor, visible as a bright blue dot. When players wish to interact with fish or plants they can highlight them with the pointer and press the A Button. By doing so, players discover new species and build up their fish log. What’s more you can also befriend companions like a dolphin which will become your partner and with whom you can train and swim with.

Basically you swim through the ocean taking pictures of fish and other creatures of sea. Another player can join in your adventure thanks to the Wi-fi connection


And it seems like We love golf it's one of the best if not the best golf game for Wii so far.


Famitsu review of We love golf:

We Love Golf 9878
* Playtime: 16 hours main tourament, 40-50 for entire game
* difficultly levels allow anyone to play
* Controls feel good
* play flows very nicely
* easy putting
* pleasing character design
* control scheme is forgiving

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"