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cable my own modem, advertised as 16 down 3 up. get normally around 14.5 down 2.5 up, though all time speed record down is 22.5 and up is 3.25. seem to be seeing more time in the 18-20 down real cap though i hear if you go over 200gb a month you get a warning (which is strange as they see a back up web based service that is 200 gb)


no cable tv no other service 67.00 usd a month. 

i will note this service has changed greatly since i first got it from 03 to 04 it was 3-6 megs great connection then in 05-mid 06 the speed went to 8 but latency and dropped packets made it unusable after they "fixed the connection. then late 06 and on its been slowly getting faster, but without the crippling latency.


i need to move lived to long in the same place... last two years of college and 4 years since

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog