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I think we'll see a move away from the mega-budget titles at some point, after a few big flops burn the publishers. Or more likely, some consolidation in the industry, sort of like the movie business, where there are a few relatively conservative players in the risky, big-budget end (sometimes with co-production agreements) and more interesting stuff going on in the low-budget district. I think online distribution will have a lot to show us in coming years -- things like Calling All Cars or Jetpac Refuelled would never have gotten a green light as a $50 packaged title, but at $5-$10 almost any playable idea will get a shot at finding an audience. (Comparable to a movie ticket price, right?) On the other hand, if the videogame market grows in general, there may be a bigger appetite for the "blockbusters" that currently achieve a pathetically small mindshare compared to movies or television. Interesting times ahead, however things play out.