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unknown_soul89 said:
FullMetalMerc said:

I will start off by saying that on an year to year basis the PS3 is outselling the 360. The PS3 came out a full year later and as a result started the race with a huge gap between it and the 360, so if it had outsold the xbox by now it would mean the 360 was absolute crap and should be burned.but in actuality both systems are giving each other stiff competition. I think the PS3 will outsell the 360 in life time sales tho since sony seems to support their last gen tech for a long time, i mean look Ps2s are still selling new in large quanities.So if given the same number of years to count sales like 5 years for the xbox and 5 years for the PS3 i think the PS3 will win by a very small margin

If the ps3 goes a year after the 360 stops selling it will be ahead by atleast 6-10 mil, if they are both out for about 3 more years ps3 will overtake 360 

We are nearing the end of this generation. We maybe have one more full year of steady sales before all three consoles start rolling down the hill. Even if the PS3 is on the market a year longer, it won't be selling at the rate it is now. There's no evidence that the Xbox 360 will die earlier than the PS3 since it's holding strong too. Besides that, once the next generations starts nobody will care about the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii anymore.