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highwaystar101 said:
pizzahut451 said:
highwaystar101 said:

Because even as a young impressionable child I found a lot of the stories that were being told to me as though they were fact unbelievable. Such as...


  • All snakes being eternally punished because the devil inhabited the body of one once (talk about injustice).
  • A man who survived being eaten by a whale and survive. Not to mention the subsequent destruction the digestive system would cause and the sheer lack of oxygen.
  • A flood which covered the entire Earth, killing everything except for two/seven of every animal species, which all lived within walking distance of an old man who wanted to save them.

And some things like the entire book of Leviticus are just absurd. I think I realised quite early on that I wasn't a Christian.

so you quit because you took those stories too litterally?? And book of Leviticus is irrelevant to christians...

Well, no. That was just my way of saying that I never bought into the Bible, or even the idea of a personal God, full stop.

I mean fair enough you can say "Oh it's allegorical, you aren't supposed to take it literally, you are supposed to see it as symbolic" and I can see where a non-literalist will see the flaw in my reasoning with the examples I've given. But some things that I find unbelievable have to be accepted under the definition of a practising Christian, such as a personal God being the sole creator of the Universe, or Jesus being the son of this personal God.

Literalists and non-literalists alike have to accept these as a pillars of Christianity, they are Universal, and these too are things that I find unbelievable.

may i ask why?