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Forums - General Discussion - Why did you quit Christianity?

Ann Rice has her reasons and i can respect that, but I don't think she needed quit Christianity.

If you quit Christianity, what are your reasons?


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well i stopped believing in god(im an athiest)

other then that before i stopped believing in god i had my doubts about Christianity because:

-a- the first porn stars were popes

-b- during the middle ages the being in the church was a buisnes, and the church sold papers saying " *insert name here* are going to heaven*

-c- the church is corrupt

-d- going to church was boring, and i felt that being a christian was more a duty then something you should be happy about and proud of.

well of course those 4 reasons are small things, but they made me open my mind about religion. then i became an atheist, now i have no religion.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

I didn't really know anything about it, I would just say that I was. And as I grew up I did not see much behind it all, there was not a reason for me to believe except for faith and the fact that I was scared. Before a test that I was nervous about I would just say:

"Dear God please let me get an A on my test today"

More often than not I got the grade, but before long I realized it was me who got the grade. I learned the material and studied for it. My belief in God just gave me the ability to go into tests with a better mindset. Then my dad started experimenting with spirituality, it raised a lot of questions, questions that I couldn't answer, and after that I took the Bible off my mantel. This isn't to say I am spiritual, I really just don't know what to believe.

Last edited by Jaycee_Bam - on 13 November 2017

Coca-Cola said:

Ann Rice has her reasons and i can respect that, but I don't think she needed quit Christianity.

If you quit Christianity, what are your reasons?


Ann Rice still says she follows Jesus.  She is just sick and tired of what goes under the name of "Christianity" today.  I think when she posted on her Facebook page, she wrote she was no longer a "Christian".  Note she stuck the terms in quotes. 

As far as I see it, I could understand individuals not wanting to be the same thing as Ann Coulter claims to be.  Also, unless something is relevant to one's life, it ends up being hard to want to stick with it.  In the case of myself, it is hard to say where I am.  I am kind of on my last legs, and the fear of going to Hell doesn't have pull with me.  I can fully understand why someone would up and leave.  I know I am flirting with the idea myself.

Jaycee_Bam said:

I didn't really know anything about it, I would just say that I was. And as I grew up I did not see much behind it all, there was not a reason for me to believe except for faith and the fact that I was scared. Before a test that I was nervous about I would just say:

"Dear God please let me get an A on my test today"

More often than not I got the grade, but before long I realized it was me who got the grade. I learned the material and studied for it. My belief in God just gave me the ability to go into tests with a better mindset. Then my dad started experimenting with spirituality, it raised a lot of questions, questions that I couldn't answer, and after that I took the Bible off my mantel. This isn't to say I am spiritual, I really just don't know what to believe.

people should be open to believe whatever they want, if you would want what to believe, be neutral, look at all the possiblities, islam, budihsm, athiesm, agnosticism, christianity..... and decide.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

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I saw no reason to believe in God, and I'm quite happy living without religion in my life.


Because all religions are just as false.  They all have rhetoric, something that shouldn't be in a religion in the first place.... you know all of the "pentecostals/baptists are the best thing around" or   "the jews suck"   or coming from pagans  "the christians suck but all other religions are cool"  .  The hymns themselves are propaganda  , they just make you repeat and sing about how great god is, and how devoted we are. 

Agreed, I am more than alright with letting people believe what they want to. As long as religion stays within it's place. I don't want my kids and my kid's kids to be forced to do a book report on the Bible instead of the usual literature that I read growing up.

Last edited by Jaycee_Bam - on 13 November 2017

I don't suppose I was ever really a christian. I was raised catholic, but had only believed in God much in the same way I had Santa Claus. My struggle with it in my early years as a developing adolescent were very short, much like other beliefs I may have held at that time.

So why did I distance myself from it? I guess I'd been skepical and couldn't have been bothered with it at an early age. My family didn't pressure me nor were they so open of their beliefs around us, so that helped me to make up my own mind; I didn't have anyone to appease nor to model. I haven't gone back to see if there is anything that strikes me as an adult as the very concept of belief is silly to me.

I stoped beleiving in god and realised all religions, not just christianity are corrupt to the core. I don't have anything against people that still beleive in god just organised religion.