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I didn't really know anything about it, I would just say that I was. And as I grew up I did not see much behind it all, there was not a reason for me to believe except for faith and the fact that I was scared. Before a test that I was nervous about I would just say:

"Dear God please let me get an A on my test today"

More often than not I got the grade, but before long I realized it was me who got the grade. I learned the material and studied for it. My belief in God just gave me the ability to go into tests with a better mindset. Then my dad started experimenting with spirituality, it raised a lot of questions, questions that I couldn't answer, and after that I took the Bible off my mantel. This isn't to say I am spiritual, I really just don't know what to believe.

Last edited by Jaycee_Bam - on 13 November 2017