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People need to realize that MMOs are dirt cheap. The amount of hours u put into them means u won't spend money on almost anything else. Neither on other games, or sports or movies or girlfriends or anything.  

$15 per month on WoW actually saves the typical subscriber hundreds of dollars per month.

You could be on wellfare and play WoW all your life.

It's not as extreme with online shooters, but again, paying only $60 saves the typical Call of Duty player lots of money which he won't spend on other leasure during those hundreds of hours he's hunting perks.

We owe the developers to spend more money for all this entertainment we get for so cheap. Not all of you, not you who have a diversified large library of games, but the customer who only buys one game per year and keeps playing it over and over again is almost like a parasite, so he should pay more to the industry.