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I was always a Christian, or thought I was, I fully came to Christ around my freshman year of Highschool, I've seen the  fruition of God on my life and I'll never question his being/presence. to all who do not believe/accept/disown God whether you want it or not I will pray for you because God say what happens to those who do not accept and or disown him.

I think why Christianity(and other branches of those who follow Jesus/God)   has taken such criticism is because for all the corruption that has taken place, such as false healers, christian based cults, false prophets, people thinking they're the next Messiah ect. 

also how the media portrays the religion faith, I tend to watch many crime shows, and you won't believe how many time they make these religious murderers thinking they're doing God's work.

P.S. Hallelujah!!!=)