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Seems like everyone is ignoring this, am I the only one that's noticing how low Wii sales are? even after a price cut to make the console even cheaper then it already was and sales are still declining. Could this be the end of the Wii? if things keep up soon both HD consoles will be consistently outselling the Wii by next year.

This just seems very odd to me because wouldn't this be the first time the leader of the generation started to consistently get outsold by the competition 4 years after release. Is there really much that Nintendo could come out with that could actually be a hardware seller, right now all I can think of is Donkey Kong, that's really the only hardware seller they have, and how much could a price cut really help the Wii, if a $50 price cut didn't help to bring it down to $200 then would another $50 price cut to make $150 make a really big difference?

Another thing, Move and Kinect, there is a possibility that this is going to effect Wii sales and make them even lower, soon Nintendo won't be able to say that they have the only motion controlled console, so now what do they say?

So many unanswered questions, we must discuss the faith of the Wii, could this be the constant decline of the leader if the generation or will something happen to spark sales again?