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Icyedge said:
KungKras said:

Oh, it's this thread again.

I'll summarize my opinion again, just for fun.

Microsoft is following the Sony school of making consoles (PS1, PS2). Rushing systems out to release before the main competitors, adding media functions to consoles, not worrying about first party too much, just buy some studios and hope they make something good for your console (Psygnosis, Bungie) and then make deals with third parties for exclusivity and let them do the rest, if a competitor innovates, just copy them etc etc.

I have always hated this style of console. Consoles like this never introduced anything noteworthy to gaming itself and if they were gone tomorrow, people wouldn't notice becasue they never had any true impact on gaming and no legendary game series would die with them either.

I want the Sony school of making consoles gone. The fact that such consoles were collossi on clay feet is clearly showing in this gen, perhaps THEY were the fad all along. Do I want Sony or microsoft gone? No! But I want their philosophies gone.

I like the PS3 more than the PS2 and PS1 combined becasue Sony is actually trying to build up a powerful first party for it (Better late than never). Microsoft on the other hand seriously needs more first party studios, quick.

A very interesting question, that would probably have a very interresting answer is, what if Nintendo managed to steal all the third party support and make a PS2 but with Nintendo games as well, and start making deals to keep all third party games exclusive, what would the others have left?


Sony's first and second party titles are generally very good... They appeal to me much more than Nintendo's games.

I'm sure they do. But do you seriously believe that they would be able carry a system on their own?