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Firstly, welcome back

Secondly, i hope so! Both have the potential to do so!

The Wii is down by a hefty number despite having recieved a pricecut, and it's biggest game. This year they don't really have anything to the size of NSMB, and if MS or Sony's motion controls take off... A lot more demand could be taken from Wii.

360 has it's new Slimline model, and is almost sure to get a pricecut before the year is over. The sales in America this year are already looking amazing. Add in the Arcade, Halo and Kinnect.. You have one hell of a Holidays lined up. That Dance game (I forget the name of it, but it's the really good one out of the 2) will be a hit for sure.

PS3 is "big" in each region, so unlike the 360 it doesn't have to have huge sales in a single region. Europe will be huge on the back of Gran Turismo, and Move if advertised right has the potential to pull in a bunch of the Wii crowd. Give it a small pricecut to make it look slightly better price-wise to it's 2 competitors, or release a flurry of coloured versions for it... We will see sales as big as last year. If Japan sees Versus XIII, we can expect more big sales from there again too. Could see a 1mil week!

Wii, it's going to sell well for sure. But it's way, way down. The games releasing late this year don't have the same selling potential as Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit Plus or NSMB Wii. And with the 2 competitors also releasing Motion Controls for there respective consoles... Add in a new Nintendo Handheld that Ninty will likely have full focus on, we could see the lowest Wii sales during holidays yet.

I think it will be closer than ever before, that's for sure.

As for 2011. I wouldn't be surprised to see 360 > Wii > Ps3 in NA, PS3 > Wii > 360 in EMEAA and PS3 > Wii > 360 in Japan being regular occurences.