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KylieDog said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Boutros said:
KylieDog said:
RolStoppable said:

If you spit on New Super Mario Bros. Wii and at the same time demand the old Nintendo to come back, then that's the biggest contradiction you can possibly make.

I remember the old Nintendo pushing games forward in great new ways, I mean the games, not controllers (power glove ftw!).  Games like the original SMB, SMB3, LoZ, Metroid, then later on advancing them again going 3D like Mario 64 and OoT.  This gen we got Zeldas -still- copying OoT with only minor changes, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 is just Mario 64 with changing gravity, NSMB Wii has gone back even further than the N64 and is copying SNES games, Donkey Kong has gone back to SNES and so forth.


When people say they want the old Nintendo they don't mean clones of old Nintendo games, they mean they want them making something new.

Yeah that's mostly what I mean myself.

Most over looked new IP of the gen it seems  

Add in Excite Truck, Big Brain, Endless Ocean, Disaster DoC, Captain Rainbow, Dynamic Slash, Xenoblade, and The Last Story... yep no new IPs that Nintendo has brought or going to bring  

Nintendo never made many "game changers" per generation in the old days, most of the time just evolving older existing IPs (ala OoT and Mario 64) people just have rose tinted glasses of the past, the same tactics used today were used in the past, every so often you got a new IP sometimes that new IP had really unique game play, most of the time they took an old IP and improved it so much that people in the industry flat out copied them... and that's happening now... so what's different?


NOT NEW IPs.   New types of game/game design.  Wii Sports is minigames that existed long before the Wii, we played those long ago.  Knowledge quizes and such existed, Disaster is just a bunch of old genres bunched together etc etc.


Swinging a wii mote instead of pressing a button is not some new for a games content, and that is what nintendo are lacking this gen.  A lot of us do not want a new way to do something old on screen, we want something new on screen.

"NOT NEW IPs.   New types of game/game design."

"A lot of us do not want a new way to do something old on screen, we want something new on screen."

You're contradicting yourself.

Unless you mean you want Nintendo to invent an entirely new genre. Well, Wii fit sure doesn't fit into any of the old ones. (pun not intended)

It would be a lot more easy to understand that argument if you can use other games companies/games as reference. Who did things right this gen according to you?