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Zlejedi said:
vlad321 said:
richardhutnik said:
KylieDog said:

Seems a waste of money.  Better off just upgrading a PC should you need and getting better performance in pretty much every way.

Try the service now and see why "upgrade a PC" just doesn't match up.  OnLive does more than what you get via a PC upgrade.  It provides no headaches for it.  You also get to see video of people playing, and try the games out for a half hour.  It is very easy to get into also. 

Upgrading a PC isn't the answer for everyone, is actually less of the answer for most people.  People don't mess with the internals as much as core PC gamers think they would.

You also get boring games. Unability to mod. Lag if you don't have good connection, shit graphics, and the list keeps going on and on. Giving out your credit card information when you register also isn't exactly "easy to get into."

I was also mistaken since I didn't read the contract right at first, it wasnt the 2nd year for $5 total, but $5/mo, which I guess is $60 total for the second year. In 2 years I can take the money I save off of OnLive and upgrade my video card so that it new games run flawlessly still.

5$ is promotional price. IIRC final target is 10 or 15 bucks a month. Now if that price included cost of games it would be ok solution similar to game rental subscription but as you have retail like game prices there's no reason to leave pc gaming for it.

I was giving it a best case scenario to further prove my point and for the non-promotional price you would be saving $120-$180 a year so that PC sounds so much more affordable.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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